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Réka Somssich: ECJ Procedures in Practice 2

Réka Somssich: ECJ Procedures in Practice 2

Erasmus Seminar, 9-10 Marc 2015. Dr. Réka Somssich (Hungary).

Lucinda Storm: Introduction to Business Tort Law

Lucinda Storm: Introduction to Business Tort Law

December 8-19, 2014, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca

Prof. dr. Bálint Kolosváry (1875-1954) Memorial Conference

Prof. dr. Bálint Kolosváry (1875-1954) Memorial Conference

22th November 2014, Saturday, 9am, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Calea Turzii Street no. 4, Aula Magna.

Art Forgery - Criminal and Civil Law Issues

Art Forgery - Criminal and Civil Law Issues

9th October 2014, 5 pm, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii Street no. 4, Room A303

Dr. Lajos Vékás: Remarks on the New Hungarian Civil Code

Dr. Lajos Vékás: Remarks on the New Hungarian Civil Code

3rd October 2014, 5 pm, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Calea Turzii Street no. 4, classroom B301

Dr. Várady Tibor Zoknik a csilláron, életek hajszálon. Történetek az irattárból c. kötetének kolozsvári bemutatója

Dr. Várady Tibor Zoknik a csilláron, életek hajszálon. Történetek az irattárból c. kötetének kolozsvári bemutatója

3rd October 2014, 7 pm, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Materi Corvin Street 4, Óváry Classroom

Societas - CEE Company Law Research Network technical meeting

Societas - CEE Company Law Research Network technical meeting

3rd October 2014, 9 am, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Calea Turzii Street no. 4 (open to network members only)


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