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Terry Thomson: Legal system in common law countries/Fundamental laws affecting business organizations in the U.S.
Terry Thomson, 18-26 October 2017
Post-Communist Restitution of Nationalized Property
Date: September 29, 2017
Location: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, classroom B302
Responsability in Private Law - Current Challenges
April 12, 2017, 10 am, room A104
Elizabeth Munisoglu: US Criminal Procedure
4-13 April 2017, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca (room B302)
Dr. h.c. Frank Orton: Rule of Law. Theory and practice
where: Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii, no. 4, room B302
when: 3rd of November 2016, 6 PM
New Challenges of Intellectual Property Law in the 21st Century
Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii, no.4
3-4 November 2016
Jeffrey M. EPSTEIN: Acquiring a privately owned business in the U.S. Representing buyers and sellers
10-20th October 2016, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca (room B302)
Multilingualism and Law
Where: Sapientia University, Tordai Street no 4, room B301.
When: 30th September 2016.
Book presentation: I. Miklós pápa válaszai a bolgárok kérdéseire [The Responses of Pope Nicholas I to the Questions of the Bulgars]
Where: Sapientia University, room B302 (Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii, nr.4)
When: Wednesday, 21st September 2016, 7 PM
Law and Transsylvanian Literature
6-7th May 2016