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Sapientia Workshop - Opole, Polonia

24 Octombrie 2019, Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Prawa i Administracji

Prof. Dr. Emőd Veress - The Dermata Story - Why is it Important?

Dr. János Székely, Senior Lecturer - Dermata. The Anatomy of Contractual Relationships Between a Consolidated Enterprise and its Creditors. First Results of an Archival Research

Dr. Magdolna Vallasek, Senior Lecturer - The beginnings of labour regulation in Transylvania as reflected by the case study of Renner/Dermata factory

Dr. Zsolt Fegyveresi, Senior Lecturer - Content and the exercise of shareholder`s non-pecuniary rights

Előd Pál, Junior Lecturer, Ph.D. student - THistorical Approach on Company Management in the First Part of the 20th Century

Foto: Dr. János Székely explică obiectivele proiectului de cercetare



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