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Post-Communist Restitution of Nationalized Property

Date: September 29, 2017
Location: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, classroom B302

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Arrival of the participants

18,45 Meeting at Hotel Fullton (Sextil Pușcariu street no 8)

19,00 Dinner for the lecturers (1568 Bistro, 21 Decembrie 1989 street no 14)

Friday, September 29, 2017

9,00 Meeting at Hotel Fullton (Sextil Pușcariu street no 8)

9,30 Opening of the conference

- Prof. Dr. Emőd Veress, Sapientia University, Department of Law, director

- Prof. Dr. Piotr Stec, University of Opole, Faculty of Law, dean

9,45-10,15 Keynote speech

Prof. dr. Emőd VERESS (Sapientia University, Department of Law), POSTCOMMUNISM - AS LEGAL REVOLUTION

10,15 Coffee break

10,45 Legal History of Communist Nationalization

Piotr ECKHARDT (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Law and Administration), Nationalization of property by structural nationalization of organizations: the case of allotments and housing cooperatives in People’s Poland

Jakub POKOJ (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Law and Administration), The legal basis of nationalization of large landed estates in Poland in the 1940’s. Legal assumptions and ideological background

11,45 Coffee break

12,15 Restitution of Nationalized Church Property and Restitution of Movable Property

Alicja JAGIELSKA-BURDUK (Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Cultural Heritage Protection Law Centre), Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci  – a new approach to national treasures in the context of nationalized property

Emőd VERESS (Sapientia University, Department of Law)Basic legal problems in church property restitution: Romanian legal cases

13,15 Light lunch for the lecturers (Sapientia University, Department of Law, A tower, 4th flour)

14,15 Restitution of Nationalized Church Property and Restitution of Movable Property / Privatisation

Johanna SZEKRÉNYES (Transylvanian Reformed Church District), Restitution of movable church property: legal problem in Romania

László Milassin (University of Győr, Faculty of Law), Privatisation methods and the criticism of the SPA´s activities in Hungary in the early 90´s

15,15 Coffee break

15,45 Restitution of Agricultural Lands and Residential Property

Marcin WRÓBEL (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Law and Administration), Transition from socialism: expropriation and lack of restoration of real property in Poland Case study of Tatra Mountains National Park from the perspective of multidimensional dynamics of values in law

János SZÉKELY (Sapientia University, Department of Law), Restitution of agricultural immovable property under Law no. 18/1991 and subsequent instruments

16,45 Final discussion

19,00 Dinner for the lecturers (Restaurant Via, Inocențiu Micu Klein street no 6)


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